I Love Jon Stewart, and let's face it, there's a really good reason why the Daily Show is treated like a news show when you would think it's more of a comedy or political satire show (which it is).
It's because Jon Stewart does something pretty interesting, he brings the news to your home, he does it in an entertaining fashion, and UNLIKE most news show, he presents it without all the hypocritical posturing that hides the bias of most "news shows" anymore.
Watching this one, however, I genuinely felt bad for the guy...
I mean, yes, he was funny he was informative, and he frankly entertained me...
But, I got an impression that he was also feeling pretty betrayed...
And I understand that...
Okay, I'm not saying I'm on the same page with him politically, hell, i don't actually know what he is, or if he even holds any real political points of view.
Honestly, i don't follow him that closely (sorry Jon) but I doubt that bothers him too much... I can't even be bothered to update this blog... Probably due to my distain for blogging in general...
Why do I blog on it?
I don't know... I originally intended to do everything I could to subvert blogging in general.. Turns out, I kinda like it.
Have you read my latest blog? Bwaaahaha.... so I'm a hypocrite.... Who cares if all of my readers... both of you.... are waggling your fingers saying... whatever your saying... Probably something about how retarded my paragraph structure and whatnot is... I don't know...
But it's a tangent...
So where the hell was I going with this?
Oh, yeah...
I'm assuming that Mr Stewart is a liberal...
I dunno, call it a hunch, anyway, I don't really give a shit.
See, a true liberal is fine and in many ways, I fully support liberal doctrine, as in, we should take care of those who can't take care of themselves.
A true liberal IMHO will defend constitutional rights, ALL OF THEM, even if he/she distains one or more of them, because it's their civil RIGHTS... A true liberal wants freedom as much as the next guy, but they also want to balance that with the capacity to do what they can to help those who cannot.
Not a bad ideology, if you think about it...
Hell, the only thing you can argue on that is the details, private or public works, etc.
Our civil liberties are sacred to them, and most of the liberal ideological differences from conservatism is on the war on drugs, restricting freedom of speech, restricting abortion rights, scaling back religious backed laws, such as forcing a creationist view instead of the scientific view.
I mean there are plenty of other issues, but you get the basic idea.
Stewart is a comedian/satirist who is brilliant in what he does, but thru his humor you can see the main part is that he want's, desperately wants for Obama to do the right thing, to fix healthcare, instead of fucking it up, to fix the economy, instead of fucking it up, and so on, and so far, he seems to be constantly disappointed, and you can see the way he shows it.
Oh, but we still have..... [news report]... motherfucker!
I get it.
Honestly, I get it...
Caveat, Mea Culpa, Just saying here...
I voted for Bush Jr, on the premise that his first campaign was promoting, smaller government, privatizing everything from social security on down, compassion especially with social issues, hell, you'd have thought he was Ron Paul light....
Before I really knew who the hell Ron Paul was.
Then 9=11 happened and he turned into a fascist...
But maybe I'm being too harsh, hell, I remember how pissed off I was, and everyone else was... And yeah, how dare that Ron Paul guy was to even hint at the fact that we might actually share some of the blame for this...
Whut? They attacked us?
This is where a rational guy would slip into the cause and effect of foreign policy and the fact, like Liberals and Conservatives, that no matter how well intentioned, too often our decisions tend to have something other than the desired impact we hoped for...
Of course, at the time this was all drowned in a sea of cheering the "Murica!" speeches and whatnot, and frankly, there was a strong patriotic zeal to get some payback dammit...
Dead or Alive!
Fuck yeah!
Of course, all of the issues that made me excited for Dubya got shoved aside, and instead we were presented with the Patriot Act, two wars where one was worrysome, and the second was built on a fairly obvious bit of misleading information.
(It's called lying to get your way...)
But I wanted to believe that there was Weapons of mass destruction, that Saddam was an evil bastard (and not simply unfinished business from Gulf War 1 or ill advised nation building)
I wanted to believe that Guantanamo was needed because our justice system couldn't handle this kind of enemy.
I voted for the guy, and I WANTED TO BELIEVE that he really was the libertarian/republican of smaller government, fiscal responsibility, etc...
And he let me down, every fucking step of the way.
It took me a long time to finally get that, and while I didn't vote for Obama, I can easily see how someone like Jon Stewart would have and would have desperately wanted to see all of the Statist hard core Government intrusion shit that Dubya put into motion get pulled away and a more liberal and open government...
So Obama let Stewart down, just like Bush let me down...
Let's be honest, they both let the country down... Because no matter how we fight a war, if the soldiers return to a country less free than when they left...
What the hell does that say?
I get Stewart, he's not turning to the right, and he's not giving up on his ideals...
He just gets that Obama isn't a liberal, just like Bush wasn't a conservative.... Both are statists, and are and were a direct threat our each of our liberties...
Which Is why I'm a libertarian, because i can support gay marraige, and I can support a women's right to choose, even while I don't apply it to me, because I have no horse in that race.... But why the hell would I try and deny someone elses personal choices, but expect folks to support my own right to carry a gun or to be free of unreasonable searches, worship how I want, or not at all if I choose.
...and who the fuck cares who smokes dope anyway?
If it hurts no one else, why is a pot smoker more likely to get a longer sentence than your average rapist or murderer in a lot of cases...
Financially, I want to live in a free market economy (and NO, we don't right now... If we did, then we wouldn't be bailing out companies, or using tax incentives to help the "right" ones.) and feel secure in my property, both in an intellectual sense, as well as the physical sense.
And on that subject, Add Cispa, Sopa, and all the other bullshit from the Internet tax on down to the list of reasons why our current administration is an utter failure either as a liberal or in upholding any oath to the constitution...
But hell, I should be more careful.
If I get on one of them there secret gubmint watchdog lists, at least I'll get more viewers...
Yeah, upside!
Wait, where was I?
Ah, libertarians....
The vast scope of different ideological identities that fall under the title, "libertarian" encompass so many archtypes and beliefs that you can't really call it a third party...
Not sure if you can even call it a party of any kind...
It's the rest of the political spectrum, it's the undecideds, it's everyone from the Anarchocapitalists, who believe that he gov should be disbanded and let free markets reign supreme with no safety net at all, to the folks like myself, the branch called liberty, or more accurately classic liberals, such as the founding fathers idea of a constitutional republic designed to safeguard our rights and not much more except allow so many different ideas to coexist... But then again, even this is subjective, and honestly, I simply believe what I believe, and live according to a system of beliefs that is constantly evolving as I age and learn so that I may continue to make choices and decisions based on what I think is the right choice for me.
I may not agree with Jon Stewart in all of his beliefs but I respect the guy, and not because he makes me laugh...
I genuinely respect him because he challenges my thinking process in a way that also entertains me, and makes arguments that cause me to reevaluate my own.
That takes true intelligence and skill.
And I do feel bad for him and everyone who put their hopes in Obama and were fucked over them...
It sucks, and frankly, Obama is a statist, fascist, socialist, whatever this breed of politician is called any more.
But he's no liberal.
And he's really no different than Bush.
Who was no conservative.
Romney would have been the exact same, not a doubt in my mind... Reason I voted for Gary Johnson, and that's where I realized that I wasn't alone.
Gary Johnson, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and a metric shit ton of others have slipped in in the last six year or so and are slowly changing the political spectrum. Give's me a bit of hope...
I hope.
I mean, yes, the old school lefties are still on the ban guns, let government protect and take care of you bandwagon, but even a lot of their own "flock" aren't buying it.
On top of that, ten years ago, I wouldn't have believed that Gun Rights groups would ever ally with the "End the Drug war" types...
But many are, and their reasons are starting to make sense to a lot more people.
The country has not just endured 5 plus years of incompetent misguided management, because you have to add at least all but maybe the first year of Bush's leadership as well...
I say misguided, because the alternative thought is that it's an intentional systematic destruction of our civil liberties in every avenue that we may exercise...
So over a dozen years of steadily eroding our rights in the name of security, safety, for our own good.
If your not sure what this means, there's a book, and no, I'm not hawking anything libertarian or anything else...
In fact, the guy who wrote it was a true blue liberal...
George Orwell, 1984...
And if your reading this and consider yourself informed, but haven't read it yet... Shame on you, go out buy a copy, or hell, download one from Pirate Bay, who cares, read the fucking thing...
Because afterwards you will begin to see quite a few things in a different light.
I'm not saying you will suddenly become a tin foil hat wearing devotee, but it will force you to take a bit of time and really pay attention, not to what you are told to think, but to what you think...
And if your one of those people who say, fuck it, I'll watch the movie instead...
Smack yourself in the face... Hard...
Because your an idiot...
Okay, I'm starting to add random pictures, and while I love Archer, I'm off on another tangent.
It's a hard thing to put your faith in a public official and than have them fuck you over...
And because of that I worry that Rand Paul will in fact get the nomination for the republicans in 2016, because then I will be faced with the question of placing my trust in a politician again... And while I would have no problem trusting in Ron Paul, Rand isn't quite making me a believer...
I can hope, but I really liked Dubya as well... And what if Rand get's a 9-11 of his own that forces him to toss his beliefs out the window as well?
The key to not loosing your mind is to not have much faith in them to begin with... I guess.
And that is amazingly sad.
I want to be able to believe that someone out there actually will do the right thing, and make me proud to vote for him/her after winning, I mean I'm proud I voted for Johnson, I think he's the real deal, but if he had won, and then simply became Bush/Obama the third, I would have been crushed and probably gave up on voting all together... And Rand, I'm not sure i believe in you...
But my original train of thought has derailed and the news helicopters are circling...
So, Jon Stewart, I hope you keep the politicians feet to the fire, because I fear there is not much we can do to hold them accountable, and we sure as hell can't hold them at their word...
Seriously, how can you not love this guy.... I mean, who has better hair on television???
Never quit, guy, because you have the gift of being able to make us laugh when we really want to scream, and most importantly, you talk to us...
And the other guys, they simply talk at us...
And that's a huge difference...